As an entrepreneur, you know how important it is to put yourself out there. To let people see your brand, your message, your services.

But there's a problem.

Any of this sound familiar?

  • Being overcome by impostor syndrome - the feeling that you're not enough, that it's only a matter of time before you're exposed as an amateur (or worse, a fraud!)

  • Questioning yourself and your abilities

  • Doubting whether anyone will actually buy your services

  • Wondering how you'll stand out from the sea of other entrepreneurs

  • Scared that your limiting beliefs will hold you back from reaching your true potential


How to kick impostor syndrome to the curb, overcome self-doubt, and start sharing your genius with the world


Overcoming impostor syndrome
An exclusive masterclass with my 5-step system for overcoming impostor syndrome AND gaining unshakable confidence

($97 value)

A powerful meditation to unlock inner confidence

($47 value)

Course Curriculum

Hi! I'm Katie Wolf

I’m a mindset coach for creative entrepreneurs. I’m also a writer, so I know how scary it can be to put your work out into the world and let people see the real you! For years, I kept myself small, convinced that I couldn't possibly make my big, audacious dreams come true.

In 2017, I began making massive shifts in my life, devouring every personal development book, podcast, and online course in sight. I was able to shift to a growth mindset and take steps to realize my dreams, including signing with a dream literary agent and starting my business.

As a certified mindfulness coach, I help clients build confidence, access their intuition, and create more meaningful lives.